
My thoughts...

The first topic I have chosen to research for phase one of this project is safe spaces. I was initially interested in this subject so I could explore what makes us feel safe and brings us comfort, how does this differ between individuals and how can the same influences bring us both fear and comfort depending on context and the choice of experience.

Safe spaces is an important subject for me because like many other people, I struggle to exist outside of my comfort zone. After a long day of work and engaging with people throughout the day, I long for the comfort of my bedroom or one of my other safe spaces such as the beach or a desolate forest. I am curious to find out what about certain spaces nurtures a calm in people and how we can customise our own spaces to fulfil the need for comfort and content.

The feeling of safety and comfort, for me, extends past just a space but also the people I choose to spend my time with and share those spaces with. Nobody brings me comfort like my friends do and it is a beautiful thing to be able to just exist together, in a bubble, separate from the greater chaos and infinity of the outside world. I wonder how, as humans, we create such meaningful connections that foster such a variation of experiences and feelings.

I wonder how some spaces such as a dark forest, an empty beach, or the city at night can bring comfort to people but also be extremely terrifying places to navigate. I guess it depends on many conditions, such as the time of day that you go, whether or not you have company and how well you know the area. I would like to explore where the line is between comfort and discomfort for places like those mentioned.

The spaces that bring comfort and content will differ per individual and I wonder how much of that is influenced by personal experiences in comparison to how our brains work. An example to consider; I have sensory processing disorder which makes it difficult for me to navigate and exist in some environments. This disorder has a great impact on what spaces, materials, sounds etc. bring me comfort and which can cause me immense stress.

Sometimes I feel the urge to get into my car and just drive. That is one of my safe spaces. Existing in such a small space, music blaring, while moving with no destination in mind. On the surface, it seems like an odd thing to bring me comfort. But it works. I become isolated from other people, the environments that can cause me stress and the responsibilities that sometimes become overwhelming. Although sometimes it does just become second nature to turn the wheel and push on the pedals, driving is a distraction from all those things. I see it as a small, simple engagement that keeps the brain running on low power. Much more comforting than staring up at the ceiling from my bed.