On this page I will be researching how we use technology to create our individual safe spaces and how communities can be formed online for connection. Social media and gaming are both significant sources of human interaction and where we all, as humans, may sometimes look for comfort.

To begin my research, I created a quick mind-map to get all of my ideas down and work out what topics and aspects of social technology I wanted to explore.


I think that researching how technology can influence or adapt our safe spaces and how we manage feelings of stress and anxiety will help to develop some more visual ideas. I have been thinking about how if I were to take this into the phase 3, how I could develop a more physical gaming experience. Therefore, by researching into technologies I can build up some ideas on how to stimulate a player and engage with their senses through technology.

Screenshot 2021-11-14 at 15.51.53.png

Visual mood board to explore technology in stimulation and mood regulation: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/kw4u19/technology/

I will be also be exploring creating our own safe spaces using virtual reality, filling our spaces with personal items and thinking about the social psychology of material possessions, and furthermore how we can use games and social media to bring ourselves comfort.

The Research:

Virtual Spaces

A look into simulations, virtual reality, and online safe spaces within communities and gaming.


Researching immersion, particularly in physical curated experiences made to engage with the users senses.