The Aim of the Sound Design

We intend to design and develop a unique and immersive soundtrack for our physical space that will help to develop the sense of immersion and assist in the regulation of our players emotional and physical symptoms of stress and overwhelm. This will be peaceful piano music that will play for the duration of the experience.

Our research into the effect of sound and music on the human mind and body, as well as how we may go about implementing it will support the creation of sound bible to supply our employed sound designer. By presenting our project to the music students at the university, we were able to have discussions with a number of them who were interested in getting involved with our project.

What the sound design should consider:

Examples of peaceful and immersive sound design

Flower - Flight

Flower’s music is an important part of the game, as it was designed by composer Vincent Diamante to change depending on how players interact with the world.

The tracks feature soothing acoustic and string instruments, making them ideal to listen to while unwinding.

Assassins Creed II - OST / Jesper Kyd - Ezio's Family (Track 03)

Historic beautiful soundtrack with the sounds of Renaissance-era Italy. The purpose of the peaceful soundtrack pieces were to support the immersive and wondrous visual design of Italy’s impressive landscapes and charming architecture.

Celeste Soundtrack - Awake (Track 04) Composed by Lena Raine